Style Guide

The Docbuilder syntax attempts to replicate both Markdown and Python closely, however there are a few minor differences.


Docbuilder does not follow the Markdown specification completely, which may cause issues. (See #27 and #28.

However, generally speaking, it follows fairly closely.

In Docbuilder, all Markdown statements are encapsulated in Python Comments, in other words, they are proceeded by a '#'.


A Markdown title usually appears as:

# Title

Would be written as:

# # Title

Note: As it stands, the white space between the # denoting a Python comment, and the start of Markdown syntax does not matter, as it is stripped away. This may change in later versions.

Bullet Points

# * This is a bullet point


# [Image Alternative Text](Image link)


# *This is italic*

# **This is bold**

# ***This both italic and bold.***

No formatting

A simple comment would appear as:

# This is a comment.


Python commands appear as normal, with their normal indentation.

So a simple Docbuilder Python Literate Program would be:

## Simple Literate Program
### A demonstration program

# This is a simple Hello World print statement.
print("Hello World!")

Which, when parsed by Docbuilder, would look like:

Simple Literate Program

A demonstration program

This is a simple Hello World print statement.

print("Hello World!")